Bowen Therapy works directly with the soft tissues of the body. Gentle "moves" on specific points and sequences are performed to release holding and imbalances in muscles and connective tissue. This technique is ideal for treating all kind of imbalances including musculoskeletal pain, respiratory issues and digestive disorders.
Bowen sessions are often prescribed in a set of three, 7 to 10 days apart. The gentle moves on specific marma points, or acupuncture points, stimulate the flow of energy to clear and open channels. The body's proprioceptors are essentially "re-set" and tensions and blockages are released.
Clients with severe neck, back and hip pain are often relieved in their first session. This process works directly with the body's nervous system and can take up to 24 hours to re-align. Its recommended to drink plenty of water before and after the session, engage in minimal physical activity in the hours that follow, and avoid taking any over-the-counter pain medication (aspirin, tylenol) for 24 hours before the session. Please call for more information.
By Appointment Only
Call 802-658-9642 or Email